
Mountain to Climb

 Greenville, South Carolina. A beautiful city, with a mix of modern and old that just works. It is home to Falls Park, a completely man-made masterpiece of water and green space, and the Hincapie cycling family. The Hincapie brothers, Rich and George, grew up cycling. George became a successful pro road racer and his brother went on to business school, still staying an elite bike racer on the side. Downtown Greenville. This “river” and all the landscaping you see is completely man-made! When George retired from being pro, his brother organized a celebratory ride in their hometown of Greenville, South Carolina. About 1000 people showed up to ride, and the Hincapie Gran Fondo series was born. This year was their 10th anniversary and they have expanded their events across the eastern half of the country. This particular event had just over 2600 riders! Out of those, only about 550 were women. So listen up girlfriends- we need to represent! This event is different in subtle and not-so-subt